Kane County Government
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Commun​ity Development Fund


To support a variety of housing and community development activities aimed at improving the quality-of-life for Kane County residents, ​with a focus on affordable housing services, neighborhood infrastructure, public facility improvements, emergency shelter services, and planning or capacity-building initiatives. ​

The Kane County Office of Community Reinvestment is pleased to announce that applications for 2025 Community Development funding are now available. Specifically, the county is accepting project proposals in the following category:

Neighborhood Improvements: Public improvements to parks and neighborhood infrastructure such as streets, sidewalks, and water/sewer lines; and

Units of local government are eligible to apply for funds to support projects that meet federal eligibility criteria. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Kane County Office of Community Reinvestment to confirm project eligibility prior to preparing proposals. Application materials – including program guidelines, forms, and instructions – are available to download​. Completed applications should be submitted electronically to ocr@co.kane.il.us by 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, 2025​. Projects will be evaluated for their effectiveness at meeting the needs of area residents, leveraging other funding, soundness of budget, readiness to proceed, and overall community impact and urgency. Projects that can be completed prior to December 31, 2025 will receive priority. The staff of the Kane County Office of Community Reinvestment is available to answer questions regarding application procedures, project eligibility requirements, and the Community Development Fund in general.

The Community Development Fund was established by the Kane County Board in 1998 with funds provided annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The overall goal of the program is to foster vibrant and livable communities by addressing housing needs, improving neighborhoods, and expanding economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents. Twenty-four municipalities participate in Kane County's Community Development Program, which provides “gap" funding for a wide array of projects and progra​ms that improve the quality-of-life for area residents.