Kane County Government
How Do I


​​​​Workforce Development Division

DeKalb Workforce Development Office

The DeKalb Workforce Development Office is located at:
650 North Peace Road Suite B DeKalb, IL 60115-8401
Phone 630-762-2120
Fax 815-901-0176
Unsolicited Faxes are prohibited. (Do not use this fax number for Unemployment issues)
TDY - 815-901-0173
Videophone - 815-217-2244

Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:am - 4:00pm ​

The DeKalb Workforce Development Office provides Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services which include:

  • Computer use for career search, resume and cover letter writing, business information and skill development.
  • Internet access for career exploration and job search
  • Accessibility equipment for individuals with physical, visual and hearing impairments
  • Printers, fax machines and telephones to pursue job leads
  • Community referrals
  • Employment counseling
  • Workshops to develop job search skills
  • Free basic computer classes or easy self-directed training program

DeKalb Workforce Development Office Map

Staff Contacts​​

​Corey Zabukover
Program Coordinator