Whether you are looking for your first job, finding a new career, or even trying to gain more skills to get you the next promotion, Kane County offers a wide range of services and programs that can help you succeed. We provide comprehensive services to job seekers with knowledge, skills, and job search know-how crucial to secure employment. For additional information, contact workNet Batavia at 630-762-2120 or visit us at
Basic Services & Walk-In Assistance
Career Resource Center
- Resume Development
- Job Vacancy
- Job Search Guidance
- Labor Market Data
- WIOA Program Information
- Training Information
- Referrals to Partner Agencies
- Free Computer Access
Resource Links
Advanced & Individualized Services
Employment Plan Development
Assessment of employment history and career objectives/goals
Review of Job search methods
Identification of transferable skills/experience
Basic Skills Testing
Interest assessment and career exploration
Intensive resume review with assistance in developing and/or revisions
Mock interviewing with coaching
Labor Market information and job leads/matching
Referral to training services when skills gaps exist
Training Services
Occupational Skills Training - Provided after career development is performed and training vendor research is completed. Scholarships are awarded to eligible participants for training in-demand occupations. These scholarships can be applied toward programs offered at approved schools/training providers.
On-the-Job Training - Provides you with an opportunity to apply for jobs that you may not be fully qualified for because on-the-job training is needed. The program links you to employers willing to HIRE and TRAIN using grant resources.