Kane County Government
How Do I


​County Appointed Agencies

Kane County has created a portal designed to better inform taxpayers about the local service agencies that represent Kane County. Operating in communities across Kane County, these agencies provide vital public services ranging from sanitation​ to fire protection. The Portal provides ​the public with pertinent information about each agency to include:
1) Names of each appointee;
2) Terms of office;
3) Qualifications for service;
4) Compensation;
5) Appointing entity;
6) Statutory authority;
7) Minute/agenda postings;
8) Annual financial reports;
9) Physical location;
10) Meeting schedules;​
11) Agency websites;
12) Application/Nomination fo​rms​; and
13) Currently expired/expiring appointments​.

Simply click on any agency link below to view information or apply.

Appointed Boards and Commissions
