Kane County Government
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T1: Decrease community-wide Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by 5% by 2030


​​TL 1-1 Continue sidewalk and bikeway construction and education projects that promote active transportation in alignment with the 2023 Kane County Bike and Pedestrian Plan​.

TL 1-2 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a neighborhood walk audits​ to ensure streets are free from any hazards and ADA accessible.

TL 1-3 Explore “market development​” strategies, which would remove barriers for small-scale retail and essential services like daycare centers, especially those located within areas which would promote and support walk, bike, and alternative transportation access.

TL 1-4 Support businesses that make car sharing convenient and affordable by reducing sales tax on car sharing services.

TL 1-5 Support the efforts of special service districts to improve streetscapes and encourage walking and bicycling.

TL 1-6 Support a new state multimodal transportation funding source for transit, bicycle and pedestrian services and facilities. Advocate for including provisions that prioritize transit and multimodal designs for facilities.

TL 1- 7 Continue to support the development of neighborhoods​ with walkable and bikeable access​ and connections to services, nature, transit and destinations, locally and across the community, by:

  • Establish and implement a Healthy Connected City strategy to bring complete neighborhoods to 80% of the community's population by 2035. 
  • Completing a Comprehensive Plan with supportive maps, goals, policies and projects.

TL 1-8 Improve design and development standards for multifamily buildings and driveways to create more pedestr​ian-friendly environments​. This could include landscaping and open space standards, building design and parking maximums and design standards.

TL 1-9 Support centrally located and regionally sign​ificant industrial areas that may provide for future intermodal facilities and also enable efficient local deliveries.

TL 1-10 Implement a large-scale public bi​ke sharing program​ to support continued population and employment growth and mobility within community. Explore opportunities to support bike sharing of cargo bikes. Review programs adopted by other communities to support program design.

TL 1-11 Collaborate with school districts to help more students attend schools near their homes by expanding the Safe Rout​es to Schools Program for community schools. This involves working closely with schools to create and put into action plans that promote safe walking and biking to school.