Kane County Government
How Do I

BE 6: Improve total government building energy efficiency by 15% by 2030 (electricity and natural gas, including water and wastewater infrastructure).   


BE6-1 Complete conversion of all streetlights to LED​ by 2028.

BE6-2 Review all large capital expenditures against the GHG emission reduction and climate adaptation goals of the CAIP. Capital projects to be reviewed against their projected contributions in reduced GHG emissions, energy use, and vehicle-miles-traveled as well as the project’s projected social cost of carbon savings, climate resilience and life-cycle costs.  Explore development of project calculator tools to evaluate capital project proposals against plan goals and make tool available for private projects under development in the community (see City of Eau Claire WI land use calculators and Harvard Life Cycle calculator)

BE6-3 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a Facilities Energy Audit​ on all buildi​ngs and sites (including outdoor lighting conversion to Dark Sky​ approved LED lighting). Use results from Facilities Energy Audit to prioritize Capital Improvement Plans (CIPS​) and maintenance improvements to achieve energy efficiency goals. Establish a timeline for improvements with implementation occurring within 5 years of completion of energy audits.

BE6-4 Establish, or update Green Building Policy​ to encourage LEED Gold and to achieve 7 points within the LEED Optimize Energy Performance category as well as 8 additional points within the LEED Energy and Atmosphere category.