Kane County Government
How Do I


TL 5: Establish viable renewable fuels in the economy and support infrastructure expansion and fuel adoption.  Achieve 20% diesel consumption replacement by 2030.  (Renewable fuels include hydrogen, renewable diesel, and bio diesel​


TL 5-1 Promote and support the conversion of all operations diesel fuel utilization to renewable and/or bio​ diesel​ fuel by 2030.

TL 5-2 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a "Renewable Fuel Study" to identify viable no/low emission diesel vehicle fuel alternatives, sources, and outlets for increasing no/low emission fuel alternative availability and utilization. Study to include analysis of efficiency chain and impact on land use and other communities.  Study may include exploration of existing supply chains as well as potential new sources such as through a locally operated biodiesel plant, renewable diesel produced through renewable energy and electrolysis  plant, plasma gasification plant producing hydrogen or renewable diesel, as well as other hydrogen generation​ and supply chain opportunities.

TL 5-3 Develop a pilot project based on findings of the Renewable Fuel Study to assess opportunities for region wide adoption or production.

TL 5-4 Collaborate with the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen and other potential partners identified on the US Department of Energy’s H2Matchmaker ​to identify opportunities for expanding hydrogen supply chain availability and utilization within Kane County.

TL 5-5 Identify and engage partners to establish adequate bio and/or renewable diesel supply chain for community.

TL 5-6 Collaborate with the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen and other potential partners on continued research on hydrogen, and hydrogen plus natural gas blended fuel for industrial transportation such as long-haul trucking and freight train operations.