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​​​Kane County Recycles Banner


​County Recycling Events

Upcoming 2025 Event Dates

April 2 - ​​13, Campaign Sign Recycling - please see details below.

April 5, ​"Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of A​ce Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon.​​​ *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide​

April 19, ​"Electronics and More" Earth Day pop-up, Peck Farm Park, 4038 Kaneville Rd., Geneva, 11am - 1pm. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide​

​May 3, ​"Electronics and Mor​e" pop-up, Carpenter Park (275 Maple Ave.), Carpentersville, 9am - noon. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide

May 17, ​Kane County Spring Shred & More, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, 8am - noon

June 7, ​"Electronics and More" pop-up, ​200 S. Lincolnway St., North Aurora, 9am - noon. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide

July 19, Kane County Recycling Extravaganza!, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, 8am - noon

August 2, ​"Electronics and More" pop-up, 1000 Bowes Rd., South Elgin, 9am - noon. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide

September 6, ​"Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon​​​​

September 27, ​Kane County Fall Shred &​ More, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, 8am - noon

October 4, ​"Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon​​​​

​November 1, ​"Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon​​​​​

December 6, ​"Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon​​​​

Campaign Sign Recycling

​​Campaign sign recycling will be available for over a week following local elections this spring. We can recycle corrugated polypropylene signs (~1/4 inch thick plastic as pictured below) and metal stands at the following locations and dates:

  • ​Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Geneva - commercial container near the end of long driveway, adjacent to Forest Preserve
    • ​Available 24 hours-a-day starting at noon on April 2 through 7am April 14
  • ​KDOT, 41W011 Burlington Rd., Campton Hills - container near Building A
    • ​Available 24 hours-a-day April 2 - April 10
  • ​Fabyan Parkway​​​ Recycling Center, 517 E. Fabyan Pkwy, Batavia

    • ​During regular Center hours (M-F, 8am - 4pm), April 2 - April 10
  • West Dundee Recycling Center, 900 Angle Tarn, West Dundee
    • During regular Center hours (M-F, 7am-3pm), April 2 - April 10
A cross section of corrugated polypropylene shows a plastic sheet that is about a quarter inch thick with vertical cells
​We can recycle signs made of corrugated polypropylene like the material pictured here.​ Signs made of plastic film can be taken to store plastic bag drop-offs once stands are removed.​ 

​Recycling pop-up Summer Tour

​​​April will mark our last pop-up event in Aurora for a little while. By popular demand, we have been asked to move the pop-up to various towns ​​up and down the Fox River Valley - see the event list, left, for details. We will return to the "normal" spot at the Aurora Ace Hardware in September. 

Free Earth Day Events in Kane County

(listed alphabetically by host  - want to be added? recycle@kanecountyil.gov)

Elgin Park District Hawthorne Hill Earth Month Celebration, 4/5, 10am-2pm

Gail Borden PLD Earth Month, multiple events, 4/8-4/25 ​

Geneva Park District Celebration, 4/19, 11am-1pm

Kane County FPD Shrub Planting and Celebration in Gilberts, 4/26, starting 10am

Pingree Grove Community Clean-Up, 4/19, 9am-noon

South Elgin Seba Park Clean-Up, 4/12, 9-11am

St. Charles Park District Nature Play, 4/19, 11am-3pm